Hello, Welcome 😁

Hi there. My name is Sai. Welcome to my home on the internet.

What I’m Working On Scribbleminds

  1. I’m a Growth Manager and I do Randomised controlled trials for living. An alumnus of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University & also MBA from IIHMR University, graduated in 2018.
  2. On this blog Scribbleminds, I write articles about Growth, Conversion Rate Optimisation, A/B testing, SEM & SEO
  3. I also write articles on  Productivity, Happiness & Creativity
  4. On this website, I experiment with multiple producitivity tools which I built on my own.
  5. I write a fortnightly email newsletter. Each time, I share some thoughts about subjects I’ve been pondering, along with links to books, articles and podcasts that I’ve been enjoying.
  6. I do monthly podcast Beyond Marketing & Productivity by Scribbleminds, where I talk about growth experiments, copy writing & more

Other Stuff

  1. I learned to code aged 12 and worked as a freelance web designer/developer through my teenage years. This funded my World of Call of Duty.
  2. At university (2011-2015), I am part of a startup called MyVedhika that helps users to find hyperlocal deals, discount coupons for food, movies & parties and ended up buiding open-source data sharing platform  called OAS.
  3. I enjoy listening to instrumentals, mostly jazz & classical though! Hans Zimmer is like my Godfather figure. Books are definitely my poison. Somedays, I write quotes on Instagram stripped directly from Books, Movies &  TV Shows. Please follow me if that sounds remotely appealing.

Get in Touch

  1. Twitter – If you’ve got a short question or message (<280 characters), please tweet @Sai_Ananth_ and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
  2. Email – If it’s a longer thing, or you don’t want it to be a public tweet, please email me (sai@scribbleminds.com). I read 100% of emails but there’s only enough time in the day to reply to around 30%. If you reply to my fortnightly newsletter with a specific question, the chances I’ll reply are much higher, as I like to spend Saturday nights doing chill stuff like replying to emails & Harry Potter reading.
  3. In person – Uh…NO.. **thinking** May be.