How to Select Elements with Class – Master JavaScript for A/B Testing

How to Select Elements with Class:

In today’s digital world, marketing professionals are increasingly involved in experimentation programs to optimize their campaigns and improve user experience. JavaScript, being a powerful scripting language, plays a significant role in these programs. One crucial skill for marketers is the ability to select and manipulate elements on a webpage based on their classes. In this blog, we’ll guide you step by step on how to select an element with a class using JavaScript, explaining why and how along the way.

Step 1: Understand the Importance of Selecting Elements by Class:
When performing experiments or making changes on a webpage, it’s often necessary to target specific elements. Using classes to identify elements provides a structured and efficient way to do this. By selecting elements with a class, you can apply changes to multiple elements at once, improving productivity and consistency in your experimentation efforts.

Step 2: Identify the Class Name:
Before you can select an element by its class, you need to identify the specific class name associated with the element you wish to target. Inspect the webpage’s source code using browser developer tools, typically accessible through the right-click context menu. Look for the HTML element you want to select and note down its class name. The class name is denoted by the class attribute within the element’s opening tag.

Step 3: Use JavaScript’s getElementsByClassName() Method:
JavaScript provides a built-in method called getElementsByClassName() that allows you to select elements based on their class names. This method returns a collection of all elements with the specified class, which you can then manipulate as needed.

Step 4: Write the JavaScript Code:
To select an element with a class using JavaScript, follow these steps:

// Step 1: Get the collection of elements with the specified class
const elements = document.getElementsByClassName('your-class-name');

// Step 2: Loop through the collection to access each element
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    const element = elements[i];

    // Step 3: Perform desired operations on each element
    // For example, you can change its text or style properties
    element.textContent = 'Updated Text'; = 'red';

Step 5: Understand the Code Explanation:
Let’s break down the JavaScript code above:

  • In Step 1, we use document.getElementsByClassName('your-class-name') to retrieve all elements that have the specified class name. Replace 'your-class-name' with the actual class name you want to target.
  • In Step 2, we loop through the collection of elements using a for loop, allowing us to access each element individually.
  • In Step 3, within the loop, you can perform various operations on each element. This could include changing text content, modifying styling, adding or removing classes, and much more.

Step 6: Apply the Code in Your Experimentation Program:
To utilize the code in your experimentation program, you can place it within the appropriate context. This could be within a JavaScript file, a browser console, or even within an A/B testing tool that supports custom JavaScript code.


Here’s an example that demonstrates how to select an element with a class using JavaScript:

Let’s say you have a webpage with multiple paragraphs, and you want to change the text color of all paragraphs with the class name “highlighted”.

HTML code:

<p>This is a regular paragraph.</p>
<p class="highlighted">This is a highlighted paragraph.</p>
<p class="highlighted">This is another highlighted paragraph.</p>

JavaScript code:

// Step 1: Get the collection of elements with the specified class
const elements = document.getElementsByClassName('highlighted');

// Step 2: Loop through the collection to access each element
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    const element = elements[i];

    // Step 3: Perform desired operations on each element = 'blue';

In the given example, we have three paragraphs, with two of them having the class name “highlighted”. The JavaScript code above selects all elements with the class name “highlighted” using getElementsByClassName('highlighted').

Then, within the loop, we access each element individually and change its text color to blue using the style.color property.

After executing the JavaScript code, the paragraphs with the class name “highlighted” will have their text color changed to blue, while the regular paragraph remains unaffected.

Modified HTML code after applying the JavaScript code:

<p>This is a regular paragraph.</p>
<p class="highlighted" style="color: blue;">This is a highlighted paragraph.</p>
<p class="highlighted" style="color: blue;">This is another highlighted paragraph.</p>

By understanding and utilizing this code, you can easily manipulate elements with a particular class to make changes and conduct experiments in your marketing campaigns.


Being able to select elements with a class using JavaScript is a valuable skill for marketers involved in experimentation programs. By understanding how to identify class names and utilize JavaScript’s getElementsByClassName() method, you can efficiently target and manipulate multiple elements on a webpage. This ability empowers you to experiment with changes, enhance user experience, and optimize your marketing campaigns effectively.

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