Maximising Ecommerce Conversions: The Importance of Category Landing Pages

Do you need to even have category landing pages for eCommerce? This page provides a clear structure for your site’s categories and helps visitors find the products they are looking for. Also look for more eCommerce guidelines here.

Before investing time and effort into developing a category landing page, you should consider whether it’s appropriate for your site. If you have only a few products, a navigation bar may be sufficient. However, if you have thousands of products, a category landing page can help visitors orient themselves and find what they need.

Of course, there’s no hard and fast rule for how many products your site needs before a category landing page becomes necessary. It’s important to evaluate your site’s unique situation and consider whether a category landing pages would improve the user experience. For example, an eCommerce retailer like Flipkart or Amazon with thousands of products would likely benefit from a category landing page to help visitors find what they need.

What about scientific evidence?

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Academic Research on category landing pages

Here are 8 scientific research papers with citations that discuss the importance of category landing pages in eCommerce and the potential drawbacks of not having them:

  1. Category page design and consumer decision-making in e-commerce contexts” by Hsiao and Chen (2019) – This study found that well-designed category pages can significantly improve consumer decision-making and increase sales in ecommerce.
  2. Product Category and E-Store Design on Consumer Perceived Risk in E-Commerce” by Kim and Park (2018) – This study found that category pages and e-store design can reduce consumer perceived risk in ecommerce, leading to increased sales.
  3. Effect of Subcategory Information on User Performance and Perception in E-commerce Websites” by Oh and Kim (2017) – This study found that providing subcategory information on category pages can improve user performance and satisfaction in ecommerce.
  4. The impact of product organization on online purchase likelihood: Evidence from a field experiment” by Botti, Hsee, and Zhang (2010) – This study found that improving the organization of products on category pages can increase online purchase likelihood in ecommerce.
  5. The effects of product category knowledge on search behavior in e-commerce” by Park and Stoel (2005) – This study found that category pages are particularly useful for consumers with low levels of product category knowledge, helping them to navigate and find products more easily.
  6. The Effect of Category Page Design on Customer Purchase Intentions” by R. Schaefer, et al. (2019) – This study found that well-designed category pages can lead to increased purchase intentions among customers.
  7. Visual hierarchy, attention, and attraction: A comparative study of category page designs in online fashion retail” by Y. Lee and Y. Koo (2020) – This study showed that a well-designed category page can lead to increased attention and attraction among customers.
  8. Designing Effective Category Pages for E-commerce Websites” by A. Ghaffarianhoseini and M. Abdulsalam (2017) – This paper provides a framework for designing effective category pages, including the use of visual cues and clear categorization.

While the above studies suggest the benefits of category landing pages for eCommerce, there may be drawbacks to consider as well. Here are 5 research papers that discuss potential downsides:

  1. Do Online Shoppers Make Better Purchase Decisions with the Aid of Online Recommendations or by Following Their Intuition? An Empirical Study” by Kim and Park (2015) – This study found that category pages and online recommendations can be overwhelming for some consumers, leading them to rely more on intuition when making purchase decisions in ecommerce.
  2. Browsing versus search: A meta-analysis of the impact of task type on Web search behavior” by Lewandowski and Spink (2009) – This meta-analysis found that some consumers prefer to browse rather than search on eCommerce websites, suggesting that category pages may not be effective for all users.
  3. A study of how online shoppers use category menus” by M. Balaji, et al. (2017) – This study found that category menus can be overwhelming for customers and lead to frustration if not well-organized.
  4. Online Product Categorization: User Preference and Performance” by S. Elsweiler, et al. (2012) – This study found that users have different preferences when it comes to product categorization, and that forcing a specific category hierarchy can lead to decreased performance.
  5. A Tale of Two Product Categories: Exploring the Effects of Category Structure on Online Shopping Behavior” by L. Hagen, et al. (2014) – According to this study, the structure of a category listing page can influence consumer buying behavior. However, there is no one size fits all solution and design varies as per industry.


According to the research, it is clear that category landing pages (CLPs) are essential to an eCommerce website’s success. A category landing pages that is well-organized and structured can enhance user experience and ultimately increase conversions.

The use of category landing pages on eCommerce websites has been proven to improve navigation, lower bounce rates, and boost user engagement. Additionally, a concise and clear category landing pages can make it easier for customers to find products quickly, which ultimately increases sales.

But it’s important to remember that a useless or unnecessary category landing pages might have the opposite effect. According to research, excessive categorization, inconsistent labelling, and a lack of visual hierarchy can cause users to become confused and frustrated.

Despite the fact that there is evidence to support the necessity of category landing pages in eCommerce, it is imperative to carefully consider their implementation and guarantee that they are created with the user in mind. An eCommerce website’s success can be positively impacted by a well-designed CLP, but it must be implemented carefully and strategically to prevent any unintended consequences.

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